Saturday, November 10, 2012

My CRAZY life

College life has been INSANE lately. CRAZY BUSY, and Can you say SLEEP DEPRPIVED?! Thank goodness for my tuesday/thursday late classes because with my late night job, sleep is not something I get a lot of. Sooo.. In the last 2 months, We've had, My birthdaayy (19 woot woot) My cousin Chelsea, and Paul's beautiful wedding reception, Ive gone to UTAH STATE to see one of my best Friends, Devanie. That was seriously the most fun I have had like ever. Her friends are absolutely amazing. First like hour I was there, we go to get in the car and I grabbed the little connecter part between the front and back doors and My fingers got shut in the door. I Didn't even feel it though! I just calmly asked Bryce to open the door real quick. Then Dev realized what had happened and soon the entire car had bust out laughing. I was Laughing so hard I was cryingggg. My fingers are fine, don't worry. Saturday day night, we went to the HOWL. Way freaking cool. I love dancing like I never realized before. We looked hott if I do say so myself. But we got absolutely noo sleep. We went to a bunch of peoples places after like 1 when the Howl got over and ended up passing out on these guys floor around 5am. Sleep deprivation was worth the weekend I had with that girl though. Loved her best friend Brecka. Can't wait to transfer up there next year (fingers crossed)

And Yes, I did take that:)) Then of course were the infamous midterms. (Gag me) Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then finals and BACK TO TEXAS WE GO!! but first I have to survive all this dreaded snow. That's right. Second week of OCTOBER.. we got snow. Then last week it was like 70 degrees outside and it was absolutely gorgeous and I loved it. Then overnight the temperature dropped and we got snow. I HATE IT. I may have been born in Utah, but I am Texan all the way and I like the Heat. Don't get me wrong though, it is absolutley GORGEOUS...

When I am warm and inside wrapped in a blanket or something. Not as I walk across campus PRAYING I don't slip and land on my butt.
OH, So I mentioned my new found love for dancing right? Well I am in this contemporary dance class (which is amazing) and this senior girl dance major came in looking for dancers for her senior project. After clarifying I didn't have to be skilled in the fine art of dance at all, I signed up to help and YES, I got to perform in her choreographed piece in front of an audience with a bunch of people from my contemporary class. SO MUCH FUN. Aaaannnddd...I got to wear bright red lipstick. And I looked Dang good.

I didn't realize how much I would love performing like I did. I'll tell ya one thing. My little girl is getting dance lessons. And she'll be in soccer. I have it all planned out:) Now to find the perfect guy....HA all in good time though. :) Well, That's my CRAZY, INSANE, SLEEP DEPRIVED, AWESOME, and TOTALLY KICKIN Life! Till next time Ya'll:)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


SO this weekend...FREAKING AWESOME. Best weekend ive had since college started. We, as in my wonderful amazing friends, Mikayla, Sam, and Mark, who I basically had to DRAG there, Went to this FREAKING AWESOME PARTY in lehi. Oh Man was that fun. I absolutely love dancing! So we were out till like 2:30am. And then they went home and came back the next day to my grandparents house. They met the fam, well an ity bity tiny part of the family. (Hopefully I didn't completely overwhelm them!) So the bridge I jumped off the other week? Well they all thought that was totally awesome and wanted to do it. Didn't have to drag mark that that. HAHA but so I went there once again and did all my flippy stuff and we all got up to the very top!!! LOOK AT THOSE ATTRACTIVE SILHOUETTES!
Then we went to the park down the road from my g-parents. It was definitely science fair night or Something because that place was PACKED. SOOOO MANY LITTLE KIDS!!! Mikayla made one of them cry it was hilarious! AND we saw the chickfila cow. How cool is that?! Way cool, I know right?! So the epic weekend continued when we went to this nickle arcade and played all those really dumb games that you really shouldn't waste money on but theyre soo fun. Mark DESTROYED ME at dance dance revolution. Like it was bad..I had four people helping me out and mark was just going at it alone. Complete annihilation. So embarrassing. Thats what i get for challenging a guy to a DDR competition...So by then its only 11:30. On a Saturday night. No way were we calling it quits yet. So we take the little squirt gun mark got at the arcade and we pull up to these people and told a joke or something and then squirted them with water and drove off real fast. Ha and this continued for a while. Then we filled up a water balloon and threw it at some people. The fun was only ended when we passed a cop in the parking lot and he backed up and turned around. YIKES! because we definitely had like 6 people in the car and had been squirting water guns and throwing balloons at people. And so we ended it right then. We had a FREAKING AWESOME weekend. Love these guys. And Thats My Life:)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

College Life and Awkwardness..

GO COUGARS! BYU football is soo freaking much fun. Its one things to root for highschool or even some random college but to be a part of the school is a whole new feeling. I have the best roomates I could ask for and we are making friends:) YAY for week 2 at BYU. Still alive thank goodness. And crossing my fingers I didn't fail my first college quiz in history. Last night was absolutely CRAZYYY! so we went to this fall fest and then a dance which was totally rockin and then on our way back mikayla (awesome roomie) and I met these girls from LONDON and talked to them the whole way back. Who doesn't love a gorgeous accent?! so then we met up with guys from our ward and ended up talking and then running over to crash what we thought was a dance party. It totes def wasnt..but we sure made it one with our 15 people and it grew like NO OTHER. It was hilarious.

SO AWKWARD STORY MOMENT...apparently theres this guy thats like extra awk. we'll call him Mr. T.. well we were heading back to watch a movie and Mr. T comes up and this is how our convo went.
Mr. T- Hey ladies
(then turns to me)
-Whats youre name?
Me:hi im jacqueline
Mr. T: now how do you spell that?
Mr. T well jacqueline how would you like to go to the celestial kingdom with me? I just happen to have tickets for two.

and out he pulls 2 note cards or "tickets"..In my head im like WHAT THE HECK. and all my friends are just laughing inside.

Me-Ummm...yeah maybe at some point in my life.
Mr. T-Well hey, wanna take a stoll with me?
me-UHHHHHH...i was gonna go watcha movie with my roomates..
Mr. T well we'll have to do it SOON. we can use youre friends as a connnection.
Me. uhuhh..yeah, sure..

And I walk away. SOO DANG AWKWARD!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Goodbye Summer, Hello BYU

First day of BYU college life was a success! I only got mildly lost but i wouldn't even call it lost. My teachers seem great and so far I Think anthropology is going to my fav. Thank goodness for the shuttle. I would be like sweating up a storm if I had to walk clear to campus from my dorm. So yes it has been quite a while since I have posted (kyle this is for you) but what can i say, im a busy girl! so quick recap on my super exciting life. Left for utah at the end of july and made it safely. Spent the last month living with my grandparents, 2 weeks of which was without my family. Saying goodbye was soo hard so its a good thing I have lots of freaking amazing cousins to keep me occupied and we definitely have had a blast! I have done SO MANY things in the last week and spent so dang much money. My cousins and I have gone to "jump on it" a very fun trampoline place where I hurt my knee...nbd ha. we saw step up revolution..AMAZING movie. absolutely loved it. and we saw total recall. also very good. We went to Artic circle a few times because I love icecream. we drove to the top of a mountain and saw this amazing view of the little city at like midnight and then went to a park at 2am and saw some guy jogging. Who the HECK goes running at 2 in the morning?! we were a little creeped out. we went to a gymnastics place and I attempted a front handspring (didn't work like i had hoped), hiked the Y. went to lagoon amusement park.
jumped off a bridge into a river and I did crazy back flips with the guys. Heck Yes! and so yeah. We also went camping for like 3 days. Me camping, I know right?! and we climbed up and down the dang mountain SO many times playing this game. So then we were hiking right? and I hang out with the 15-17 year old boys because theyre just way fun... well they find this steep downhill slope and are all like "hey lets slide down the mountain right here" RIGHT...hah so of course hanging out with the boys I cant be a girly wimp so I follow. I mean, if they can do it, so can I... Im no wimp! I may have like 50 bruises from the last month but all from great times. I have absolutely loved being up here with my cousins and to be able to build these relationships with them. And school today like I mentioned was a success! I have met so many...interesting people. Attractive boy in bio though! It has been amazing to hear where everyone is from. Standard questions: What's your name? Where are you living? where are you from? and there are people from all over. Alaska, canada, south korea, central america, like Every where. More classes tomorrow. Can't wait for my contemporary dance class. NEVER taken a dance class in my life but I wish I could dance. Hopefully I don't make too much of a fool of myself. Well Thats my life:) OH! AND I CUT HAIR FOR THE FIRST TIME! my cousin is so brave. love him:)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Eat More Chickin'

Chickfila is by far My FAVORITE fast food place ever. You ask me what I want for lunch, I say Chickfila. For the past three years on a particular day in July, that is where I could be found. Dressed as a cow. Thats right. Cow Appreciation Day at chickfila. Dress like a cow and you get FREE chickfila. Best. Thing. Ever. This year we took the whole family! Da girls in the fam got a cute picture that I just had to post. Arn't we presh?!

Suitcases, Boxes, and Bags..OH MY!

I have no idea how I have managed to keep my room even remotely clean with as much stuff as I have in it. As some of you might know, I am heading off to BYU in just 2 short weeks. For that reason I have started going through all of my stuff it has become obviously apparent that I have TOO MUCH STUFF! But I can't help it! There are so many things that have sentimental value to me. Ha and a girl can never have too many clothes. Packing my life into boxes is a weird feeling, leaving and all.
My sister cannot wait though. Shes already making plans for the closet and my half of the room and I haven't even left yet! I am at a total of 11 boxes so far and I'm not done yet. Good thing we're taking a flat bed trailer with us to utah:)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Straight Chilling?

Hey look, Madi and I redesigned my blog!


Love Jacqueline


So I haven been wanting to start blogging since FOREVER ago.  I was inspired several years ago and being the good little girl I am, questioned the parental units before creating a blog.  Once I was given the go ahead I can't even remember what happened after that but a new blog did not. About a year ago I had that same thought again. "hey I really wanna start a blog" and once again busy me didn't have the time to figure it out and put it together. Now finally. Right as I leave to go to college (woot woot!)  I have finally created a blog.So here goes nothing, figured better late than never. And thats my lifee