Saturday, November 10, 2012

My CRAZY life

College life has been INSANE lately. CRAZY BUSY, and Can you say SLEEP DEPRPIVED?! Thank goodness for my tuesday/thursday late classes because with my late night job, sleep is not something I get a lot of. Sooo.. In the last 2 months, We've had, My birthdaayy (19 woot woot) My cousin Chelsea, and Paul's beautiful wedding reception, Ive gone to UTAH STATE to see one of my best Friends, Devanie. That was seriously the most fun I have had like ever. Her friends are absolutely amazing. First like hour I was there, we go to get in the car and I grabbed the little connecter part between the front and back doors and My fingers got shut in the door. I Didn't even feel it though! I just calmly asked Bryce to open the door real quick. Then Dev realized what had happened and soon the entire car had bust out laughing. I was Laughing so hard I was cryingggg. My fingers are fine, don't worry. Saturday day night, we went to the HOWL. Way freaking cool. I love dancing like I never realized before. We looked hott if I do say so myself. But we got absolutely noo sleep. We went to a bunch of peoples places after like 1 when the Howl got over and ended up passing out on these guys floor around 5am. Sleep deprivation was worth the weekend I had with that girl though. Loved her best friend Brecka. Can't wait to transfer up there next year (fingers crossed)

And Yes, I did take that:)) Then of course were the infamous midterms. (Gag me) Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then finals and BACK TO TEXAS WE GO!! but first I have to survive all this dreaded snow. That's right. Second week of OCTOBER.. we got snow. Then last week it was like 70 degrees outside and it was absolutely gorgeous and I loved it. Then overnight the temperature dropped and we got snow. I HATE IT. I may have been born in Utah, but I am Texan all the way and I like the Heat. Don't get me wrong though, it is absolutley GORGEOUS...

When I am warm and inside wrapped in a blanket or something. Not as I walk across campus PRAYING I don't slip and land on my butt.
OH, So I mentioned my new found love for dancing right? Well I am in this contemporary dance class (which is amazing) and this senior girl dance major came in looking for dancers for her senior project. After clarifying I didn't have to be skilled in the fine art of dance at all, I signed up to help and YES, I got to perform in her choreographed piece in front of an audience with a bunch of people from my contemporary class. SO MUCH FUN. Aaaannnddd...I got to wear bright red lipstick. And I looked Dang good.

I didn't realize how much I would love performing like I did. I'll tell ya one thing. My little girl is getting dance lessons. And she'll be in soccer. I have it all planned out:) Now to find the perfect guy....HA all in good time though. :) Well, That's my CRAZY, INSANE, SLEEP DEPRIVED, AWESOME, and TOTALLY KICKIN Life! Till next time Ya'll:)

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