Saturday, September 8, 2012

College Life and Awkwardness..

GO COUGARS! BYU football is soo freaking much fun. Its one things to root for highschool or even some random college but to be a part of the school is a whole new feeling. I have the best roomates I could ask for and we are making friends:) YAY for week 2 at BYU. Still alive thank goodness. And crossing my fingers I didn't fail my first college quiz in history. Last night was absolutely CRAZYYY! so we went to this fall fest and then a dance which was totally rockin and then on our way back mikayla (awesome roomie) and I met these girls from LONDON and talked to them the whole way back. Who doesn't love a gorgeous accent?! so then we met up with guys from our ward and ended up talking and then running over to crash what we thought was a dance party. It totes def wasnt..but we sure made it one with our 15 people and it grew like NO OTHER. It was hilarious.

SO AWKWARD STORY MOMENT...apparently theres this guy thats like extra awk. we'll call him Mr. T.. well we were heading back to watch a movie and Mr. T comes up and this is how our convo went.
Mr. T- Hey ladies
(then turns to me)
-Whats youre name?
Me:hi im jacqueline
Mr. T: now how do you spell that?
Mr. T well jacqueline how would you like to go to the celestial kingdom with me? I just happen to have tickets for two.

and out he pulls 2 note cards or "tickets"..In my head im like WHAT THE HECK. and all my friends are just laughing inside.

Me-Ummm...yeah maybe at some point in my life.
Mr. T-Well hey, wanna take a stoll with me?
me-UHHHHHH...i was gonna go watcha movie with my roomates..
Mr. T well we'll have to do it SOON. we can use youre friends as a connnection.
Me. uhuhh..yeah, sure..

And I walk away. SOO DANG AWKWARD!

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