This weekend has been absolutely fantastic. My Texas family came up to Utah for the Barlow Family tradition of Donut Day. This Halloween tradition left me filled with WAYYY too many donuts. Being around family has an incredible effect on me. And im not just talking about my immediate family either. My mom comes from 1 of 15 and her family could not have more different personalities between all of them. This is a curse and a blessing. Bring the fam together and you have more ideas and perspectives on any given topic. I take the most pleasure in just sitting and listening to her family converse. Education, religion, politics, family, Change, Truth, Absolutely anything you can possibly think of, has gotten discussed. Time and time again, the idea came up that people don't question anymore. There is sooo much power in a question. So much that can be learned and sparked by just a simple question. But society today has taught us to obey. Not question. And those who do question the order of things are looked down upon or even punished. People need to think for themselves! Yes, there are professionals for a reason, so yes they have a little more knowledge than perhaps we do on a particular subject, but the internet is an incredible thing. We have the power to learn for ourselves. Why take someone elses word on something when we could know for ourselves?! We dismiss the opportunity to grow and challenge ourselves because we have forgotten the power of questions. Children are full of them. why? Why? WHY?! That is all they ever ask! What happened to our inner child that should be asking these WHY questions in our life. When confronted on my opinion on a subject, I gave my response and was then responded with a WHY? ......I am embarrassed to say that I didn't know WHY I believed in that particular matter. Why did I think that? Why do we believe what we believe? Is it because thats what someone has told us to believe? Is it because thats what is expected that we believe? We need to start questioning again. Question everything! Learn for ourselves. Grow. Enjoy. There is so much power that can come from the knowledge that is sparked by a simple question.